Star Wars Jump To Lightspeed Download

Star Wars Sound Effects for RPG use Hyperdrive trouble. Jump to lightspeed. Music - Asteroid chase. Music - Falcon vs The TIE fighters. Quad-laser turret fire.

Set in a galaxy far, far away, Star Wars Pinball lets you interact with the most iconic characters, and relive the greatest moments in the Star Wars universe. In Pack 1, play through three Star Wars-themed tables: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars, and Boba Fett. Set in the Star Wars timeframe between Episode IV and Episode V, this first expansion to Star Wars Galaxies opens 12 vast and distinct space sectors, spanning from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim, for players to explore while engaging their opponents in intense real-time combat or uniting with friends in battle or exploration. Players can embark on more than 100 new missions, venturing.

Jump to Lightspeed: Getting Started

For this week's Friday Feature, we have a snapshot look at the quick start guide for getting into the Jump to Lightspeed:

Somewhere in the Outer Rim...

1) Go visit a novice Space Quest Trainer on Tatooine, Corellia, or Naboo. You can find 'em all on the planetary maps. Once you talk to this trainer, you'll get:
* A Novice piloting skill
* Certification for your first starship
* Your first starship (in your datapad)
2) Talk to your Space Quest Trainer to get your first Mission.
3) Head to the nearest starport and use the Starship Terminal inside to launch directly into space.

4) To control your ship:
* Mouse: Control heading
* Mouse 1: Fire primary weapons
* Mouse 2: Fire secondary weapon
* Mouse Wheel: Zoom in/out
* 'W' / Up arrow: Increase speed setting
* 'S' / Down arrow: Decrease speed setting
* 'Q' / Left arrow: Roll your ship counter-clockwise
* 'E' / Right arrow: Roll your ship clockwise
* 'A'/Numpad 1: Yaw left
* 'D'/Numpad 3: Yaw right
TAB: Cycle through targets

Note: You can also use a flight stick or a gamepad to control your ship. Once your computer is set up to see the game controller, you can either use the default buttons or re-map them all to suit your tastes using the Options window (CTRL-O).

5) Follow the flashing white triangles on your radar and white arrows on your HUD to your first waypoint.

6) Blast anything that gets in your way! Line up your target in your reticle and pull the trigger (Mouse 1 by default). You may need to 'lead' your target by firing just in front of the enemy craft. Take advantage of the 'leading target reticle' to help hit fast moving targets.


7) You can always land by visiting any nearby Space Station (available through your Star System Map). Target the station ('C' by default) and choose from a list of available destinations.

8) If you get destroyed in space, you retain your starship in your datapad, but it might need repairs. Once you have had it repaired, examine the ship before heading out into space again to make sure your ship is purring like a Gurrcat.

9) You can always repair your starship at a space station for a fee.

Taking your existing Star Wars Galaxies character into space...

Once Jump to Lightspeed has been successfully installed, your existing Galaxies characters will be able to learn special piloting skills, own starships, and continue their Star Wars adventure in space!

New Professions

Jump to Lightspeed allows players to explore four new professions, all involving starships. Through these new professions, you can become an Alliance starfighter pilot or a master starship-builder, a mercenary privateer or an Imperial TIE ace.

Alliance Pilot

The Alliance Pilot serves the Rebel Alliance, the ragtag coalition of heroes who oppose the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. As an Alliance pilot, you will have access to a wide range of powerful starships, including the versatile X-wing and the incredibly fast A-wing. Alliance pilots also learn special Rebel piloting techniques and custom astromech programs that improve a starfighter's defensive capabilities and other features.
Because the Rebel Alliance is embroiled in a violent war with the Empire, the life of an Alliance Pilot is fraught with danger. If you start down this path, you can expect to clash with Imperial forces on a regular basis.

Imperial Pilot

Many claim that the Empire's greatest strength is its ready supply of talented and ruthless pilots. The Imperial Pilot serves the Emperor, battling Rebels, pirates, and others who threaten Imperial rule. An Imperial Pilot is expected to become proficient with the Empire's signature craft: the TIE fighter. Advanced pilots gain the right to fly TIE variants, including the deadly TIE Interceptor and experimental TIE Aggressor. The Imperial training program requires Imperial Pilots to master proven Imperial Navy tactics and become well-versed in the use of special navi-computer programs that enhance starfighter performance.

Imperial Pilots are devoted to winning the Galactic Civil War. They will undertake some of the most dangerous missions in the galaxy and continually engage Rebel forces wherever they are found.


A Privateer is effectively a mercenary pilot. Loyal to neither the Rebel Alliance nor the Galactic Empire, most Privateers are willing to fly missions for any group with enough credits. Privateers might find themselves working for the Smuggler's Alliance on Tatooine, the Corellian Security Forces (CorSec), or even the Royal Security Forces (RSF) of Naboo. Privateers utilize a variety of craft, including those originally designed for criminal groups such as the Hutts and (*classified*). Through rigorous training and various underworld contacts, Privateers learn exotic piloting techniques and master black-market droid programs.

The life of a Privateer involves a great deal of conflict. Privateers who work for reputable groups might find themselves policing systems and battling pirates. When running missions for the Hutts or the Smuggler's Alliance, a Privateer is likely to run afoul of local authorities or even the Empire.


Shipwrights are talented engineers who build starships and starship components, including weapons and engines. Perhaps more importantly, Shipwrights can learn to reverse-engineer equipment discovered in space. A Shipwright with a steady supply of parts to disassemble and a desire to experiment can produce an array of powerful components.
Acquiring a New Profession

As with An Empire Divided, your character can learn new professions in-game. All four of the new professions can be gained training your existing character or after character creation by interacting with an appropriate Non-Player Character, usually called a 'Trainer.' Trainers can teach you the basic piloting skills (or Novice Shipwright). In addition to a novice skill, pilot trainers (also called 'Space Quest Trainers') can provide you with the certification necessary to fly your first starfighter and dole out missions that will earn you credits, experience, and the opportunity to advance in your chosen Pilot profession.

Remember, if you have a seasoned Star Wars Galaxies character, you do not need to create a new character to acquire any of the new Jump to Lightspeed professions.

Each pilot type has specific trainers. If you want to be an Alliance Pilot, you should talk to a Rebel Space Quest Trainer. These trainers are located in major cities on Tatooine, Naboo, and Corellia.

Space Quest Trainers will only train like-faction or neutral players. For instance, if your character is a declared 'Rebel', she will not be able to learn Imperial Piloting skills from an Imperial Space Quest Trainer, and vice-versa. Separately, if you acquire the Imperial Pilot novice skill box without being an overt Imperial (via Star Wars Galaxies' faction point system), you will not be able to learn Rebel or Privateer pilot skills until you 'Surrender' the Imperial Pilot novice skill box.

To surrender skills, open the skills window (CTRL+S by default), click on the skill you wish to surrender and then click the 'Surrender' button. You will be asked to confirm the removal of the skill.

Finding your Space Quest Trainer

* Travel to Tatooine, Naboo, or Corellia. (NOTE: There are no beginning Space Quest Trainers on any planets other than Tatooine, Naboo and Corellia. If you are not on one of these worlds, you will not be able to search for them using the planetary map as described below).

* Open the planetary map (CTRL+V by default).

* Locate the 'Trainers' tab on the right-side pane of the planetary map interface.

* Double-click 'Trainers' to open a list of trainer categories.

* Double-click 'Pilot' to expand the list of specific NPC Space Quest Trainers (you can also double-click 'Shipwright' to expand the list of specific NPC Shipwright Trainers). Each Space Quest Trainer's name and factional affiliation will appear here.

* Right click on the Space Quest Trainer that interests you.

* Select 'Waypoint' from the menu that appears when you right-click. This will create a waypoint in your datapad.

* Close the planetary map window (CTRL+V by default).

* Activate the waypoint to your quest trainer by opening your datapad (CTRL+D by default), selecting the 'Waypoints' tab, and right-clicking on the waypoint object that you just created. The waypoint object will bear the name of the Space Quest Trainer by default. Choose 'Activate' from the right-click menu.

* Close the datapad (CTRL+D).

* Follow the waypoint indicator - the blue arrow on your radar - to your trainer. As you near the waypoint, it will become visible as a beacon of bluish light on the horizon.

Gaining your first Pilot Skill box

To gain your first piloting skills, you'll need to talk to your Trainer. You can automatically start a conversation by double-clicking on the Trainer or using the radial menu and choosing the 'Converse' option. Note that you will not need to surrender any skill points to become a pilot.

Once you've started a dialogue, follow the conversation options to sign up for your Novice Piloting skill box.

Upon receiving your Novice Piloting skill box, you'll earn at least one starship certification (which gives you 'license' to pilot a specific type of ship) and your 'starter ship.

You can also receive your first mission from your Space Quest Trainer.

Your Starter Ship

All novice Space Quest Trainers have the ability to provide you with a starter ship. You can see this ship in your datapad (CTRL+D by default). The 'starter ship' is a low-powered vessel suitable for rookie pilots.

If you don't have a ship in your datapad, converse with your original Space Quest Trainer to acquire a new starter ship.

Starter ships are intended to get you into space (and combat) right away. However, you will not be able to upgrade your starter starship. Only those ships built by Shipwrights (other players) can be upgraded. Eventually, you'll want to buy such a ship from another player.

The life of a starfighter pilot revolves heavily around completing missions for his or her factions. Rebel Alliance pilots are called upon to make the galaxy safe from Imperial tyranny by patrolling the galaxy, running escort duty, and, of course, battling Imperial forces wherever they might threaten peace and freedom. Under order from the Emperor, Imperial pilots are constantly on the hunt for pirates, smugglers, illegal mercenary groups, and Rebels. Privateers, meanwhile, might run missions to protect Jabba the Hutt's smuggling lanes or chase pirates from the Naboo system.

Regardless of the type of pilot you decide to become, you'll earn credits, experience, faction standing, and the ability to advance in your chosen profession by completing missions of various types.

While a simple patrol mission sounds easy enough, traveling into space can be exceedingly dangerous. When undertaking virtually any mission, you should expect to encounter some enemy forces. You must be ready for combat at all times.

This chapter covers both the mechanics for taking and completing missions, getting into space, and destroying your enemies.

Receiving Your First Mission

As soon as you have your Novice Piloting skill box, you'll be eligible to begin flying missions for your Trainer. To receive your first mission, talk to your Space Quest Trainer by double-clicking on him or her and then follow the conversation options.

To complete the mission, you'll need your starter ship. If you do not already have a ship review the 'Your Starter Ship' section in Chapter 3.

Launching your starship

Every mission will be issued by a Space Quest Trainer will required that you head into space (and usually a specific area of space). To launch your starship:

  • Go to the nearest Starport. Walk inside and locate the 'Starship Terminal.'
  • Right-click on the terminal to bring up the radial menu.
  • Choose 'Launch Starship' to go directly to space.

Note that your ship must be relatively intact in order to launch. If you are missing critical components or if those same components (like your engines) are badly damaged, you will not be allowed to launch. You must outfit your ship with working equipment. Since this is your first mission, your ship should be intact.

Attempting Your First mission

Your first mission will be a simple patrol that requires you to fly to several waypoints n space. The waypoints will appear on your radar as pulsing white triangle, on your HUD as white arrows, and actually in space as glowing beacons of light. Once you pass through a patrol waypoint, your mission will update and you'll receive the next patrol point.

But, be warned: it's likely your patrol will be met with violent disruption. You'll have to think fast and shoot straight to survive. See below to learn the basics of combat.

Basic Flight Controls

Mouse: Control heading

Mouse 1: Fire primary weapons

Mouse 2: Fire secondary weapon

Mouse Wheel: Zoom in/out

'W' / Up arrow: Increase speed setting

'S' / Down arrow: Decrease speed setting

'Q' / Left arrow: Roll your ship counter-clockwise

'E' / Right arrow: Roll your ship clockwise

'A'/Numpad 1: Yaw left

'D'/Numpad 3: Yaw right

TAB: Cycle through targets

Mouse heading control

You can control your ship heading with the mouse. If you move the mouse away from you, your ship will lift; if you move the mouse to the right, the ship will turn to the right.

Star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed download

When using the Mouse, you will receive a 'virtual joystick' indicator on your ship's Heads-Up Display (HUD).

As you move the mouse, this indicator changes position to show how fast you will turn in the desired direction. The further the indicator is from the center of your screen, the faster you will turn. Put the cursor in the center of your viewscreen to stop turning.

Joystick and Gamepad support

You can also control your starship with a joystick.

* Use the joystick up/down axis to control ship pitch.

* Use the joystick left/right axis to control yaw.

* If your joystick is equipped with a twist-handle, it can be configured to govern starship roll.

Basic Combat


In most cases, combat is simply a matter of being able to line up your target in your targeting sights and opening fire at the right time.

To cycle through all targets in your immediate area, use the TAB key (default). Additionally, you can use the comma (,) and period (.) keys to cycle through nearby enemy targets.

A targeted enemy will show up as a blue arrow on your HUD. Follow the arrow until you have the targeted starship in your field of view. When you're ready to attack, open fire by hitting the appropriate mouse or joystick button.

To hit your target, try to aim for the small bright circle just in front of the ship's movement. This indicator shows the enemy ship's trajectory and will help you 'lead' your target as it zooms away.

Becoming an Ace pilot takes practice, but here are a few hints that might help you survive your first few encounters...

* Lead your target. Especially when your target is at a distance, fire your shots just in front of the enemy ship. As the ship moves, it will actually fly into your line of blaster fire.

* Tail your enemy. One of the most effective tactics is dropping in behind your enemy and sticking to his afterburners. This keeps you safe from return fire and you can concentrate all your fire on one set of shields. It's not always easy, especially if you're trying to tail an agile A-wing, but it's a tactic you should master.

* Manage your speed. If you're in a speedy starship, like a TIE fighter, you might want to throttle back and slow down so you don't continually fly past your enemy. A TIE fighter tailing a Y-wing might only need to fly at half-speed to keep the Y-wing in its sights.

* Watch your back. Enemy pilots know some of the same tricks you do and will try to slip in behind you whenever possible. Keep an eye on your radar for approaching hostiles, especially when you're on a straight trajectory towards a waypoint. If you spot space vermin sneakin' up on you, turn and blast them.

* Spinning is a good trick. Liberal use of rolls can help shake enemy fighters and keep them from peppering you.

* Slam on the brakes. If you have a fast-moving enemy right on your tail, you might be able to trick him into buzzing past you by making a sudden stop. If this trick works, you'll find yourself looking into your enemy's engines and can start tailing him.

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  1. Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided

Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided

Windows - 2003

4.27 / 5 - 128 votes

Description of Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided Windows

In 2003, LucasArts publishes Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided on Windows. This role-playing (rpg) game is now abandonware and is set in a persistent universe, real-time, sci-fi / futuristic, licensed title and action rpg.

You can still play SWG on private servers, visit (PreCU) or (post NGE). Both are great and have high populations.

External links

Captures and Snapshots

Screenshots from

Comments and reviews

Rom2020-10-140 point

One of the best MMORPGS like EVER! I have got an original version of the game (box) but I believe you can play from this download, as long as it have a CD ISO.. HAVE FUN, because you won't ever experience game like this.

trilith2020-10-081 point

works fine. works on swgemu too

Lee722020-07-092 points

Nice one!

Foodie2020-06-02-1 point

So has anyone managed to get this to work with SWGemu? They are pretty clear on their site that you need an original disc, and I don't want to take the time to download this if I can't get it to play.

Oddball2020-04-131 point

Star Wars Galaxies Jump To Lightspeed Download

any exe that has been altered to run differently than originally intended will flag as a trojan. some mmorpg launchers have the server IP imbedded in them and even changing that can make it look suspicious to antivirus. I've run many servers for different mom's and this has happened before.

Kuthulu2019-09-230 point

so, does this download work? I'd really love to play this game, but absolutely don't want a trojan or virus. if the download has worked and doesn't have a virus, PLEASE TELL ME!!

zanfell2019-09-09-8 points

Has a trojan in it. Scanned the files

Cerato2019-09-030 point

Is it online or offline?

Luconis2019-05-18-3 points

I can't get it to work with, says the invalid game folder

Darth Fucking Vader2019-01-310 point

good game

puccigang2019-01-220 point

join my cult boo

SH3862018-11-263 points

The exe contains a Dataminer Trojan when launched. Nice try no cigar.

icu812ruok?2018-11-169 points

This zip file contains three .iso files of the game client, a text file, and lpesetup.exe. The .iso files are good, the lpesetup.exe however is an outdated version of the enhanced launcher which hasn't been updated since 2013, so I would not use that and instead download the latest launcher from
1. mount disc one with a program such as daemon tools lite to start the install of the client. Eventually it will ask you to insert disc two and then disc three, when it does, just use daemon tools like to mount those discs.
2. When the client install is finished, run the latest setup.exe launcher that you downloaded from There is a detailed guide on there website that steps you through this process.
3. Enjoy the game

Wolften2018-10-126 points

Seems like a great game, I'll run some anti-virus scans for everyone's peace in mind.

Not likely a virus2018-09-150 point

I think Kurry is assuming it's a virus because this RPG is actually an MMO. I haven't tried to run a private server of any MMO for single play use since most of the ones I want to play like Project Torque, Lego Universe or Drift City are still being reverse engineered by community members that take a lot of their free time to bring them back to life. I will try with this game though.

AR2712018-08-28-1 point

@Kurry Is it a virus?

kurry2018-06-13-1 point

I swear to the Force if this is a virus.

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Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!

Jump To Lightspeed Star Wars

Download Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided Windows

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us!

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Windows Version

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