Apache Ant 1.7 0 Download

The Maven Artifact Resolver Ant Tasks enable build scripts for Apache Ant 1.7+ to use Maven Artifact Resolver combined to Apache Maven Artifact Resolver Provider to resolve dependencies and install and deploy locally built artifacts.

To integrate the tasks into your build file, copy the Über JAR into your project’s lib directory and use the following snippet to load it:

Welcome Apache Ant™ Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. Note: There is a new version for this artifact. New Version: 1.10.9: Maven; Gradle; SBT; Ivy; Grape; Leiningen; Buildr.

See the build.xml in the project sources for a complete example build script.

The Ant tasks are tightly integrated with the usual Apache Maven settings.xml. By default, the usual ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml is used for user settings.

For the global settings, different paths will be tried:

Historical releases, including the 1.3, 2.0 and 2.2 families of releases, are available from the archive download site. Apache httpd for Microsoft Windows is available from a number of third party vendors. Stable Release - Latest Version: 2.4.46. Apache FTP module for Apache HTTP Server released as 0.

  1. First download the KEYS as well as the asc signature file for the particular distribution. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures using% pgpk -a KEYS% pgpv apache-ant-1.7.0-bin.tar.gz.asc or% pgp -ka KEYS% pgp apache-ant-1.7.0.
  2. To view Ant's docs, open up a web browser and go to: C:javaapacheantapache-ant-1.7.0docsindex.html - the same content you will find at Apache's web site! ANT Version & Command Line Help. Create and run the batch file 'anthelpcommandline.bat' to see Command Line Help for ANT (in the download.
  • ${ant.home}/etc/settings.xml
  • ${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml
  • $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml
Apache Ant 1.7 0 Download

The <settings/> definition is used to change that:

Some settings defined in the settings file or in the POM can also be changed inside the Ant file.

Proxy definitions are used throughout the whole session. There may be multiple proxies set. The proxy to use will be chosen by evaluating the nonProxyHosts on each proxy definition, the first matching proxy will be used for a given remote connection.


Authentication elements are used to access remote repositories. Every authentication definition will be added globally and chosen based on the servers attribute. If this attribute is not set, an authentication has to be referenced explicitly to be used.

Download Apache Ant 1.10.7

Only one local repository can be used at a time.

Apache Ant 1.7 0 Download

Remote repositories may be defined directly:

Multiple repositories may be used as a group in every place that is legal for a remote repository:

Note: Currently, only file:, http: and https: protocols are supported for remote repositories.

To suppress any network activity and only use already cached artifacts/metadata, you can use a boolean property:

Project settings deal with locally available information about the build.

The POM is the data type used to determine the target for the install and deploy tasks. If you define a POM without an id based on a full pom.xml file, that POM will be used by default for install and deploy.

If a POM is set via a file parameter its effective model is made available as properties to the Ant project. The properties are prefixed with the ref id of the <pom> element, e.g. ${pom.version} for the example above. Likewise, project properties defined in the POM are accessible via the prefix pom.properties.. If no id has been assigned, the properties use the prefix pom. by default.

<artifact> elements define the artifacts produced by this build that should be installed or deployed.

Dependencies are used to to create classpaths or filesets. They are used by the <resolve>-task, which collects the artifacts belonging to the dependencies transitively.

You need to set a POM that references a file for the install task to work.

You need to set a POM that references a file for the deploy task to work, as that POM file will be deployed to repository.

The <resolve>-task is used to collect and resolve dependencies from remote servers. If no repositories are set explicitly for the task, the repositories referenced by “resolver.repositories” are used. This contains only central by default, but can be overridden by supplying another repository definition with this id.

This task is able to assemble the collected dependencies in three different ways:

  • Classpath: The <path> element defines a classpath with all resolved dependencies.
  • Files: <files> will assemble a resource collection containing all resolved dependencies and/or copy the files to some directory.
  • Properties: <properties> will set properties with the given prefix and the coordinates to the path to the resolved file.

These targets may also be mentioned more than once for the same resolve task, but only one <dependencies> element is allowed.

Scope filters can be set on every target, enumerating included and/or excluded scope names. Exclusions are denoted by prefixing the scope name with - or ! (e.g. provided,!system).

Apache Ant 1.7.1

The classpath attribute is a shortcut for the scope filters (e.g. classpath='compile' equals scope='provided,system,compile'). Valid values are “compile”, “runtime”, “test”.

Apache Ant 1.8.4 Download

The layout attribute of the <files> element is only allowed when the dir attribute is also given and recognizes the following placeholders to refer to the coordinates of the currently processed artifact:

Apache Ant 1.8.2

  • {groupId}, e.g. “org.apache.maven.resolver”
  • {groupIdDirs}, e.g. “org/apache/maven/resolver”
  • {artifactId}, e.g. “maven-resolver-api”
  • {version}, e.g. “1.0.0-20140518.181353-123”
  • {baseVersion}, e.g. “1.0.0-SNAPSHOT”
  • {extension}, e.g. “jar”
  • {classifier}, e.g. “sources”